Convert hexa color code to rgb online tool
This tool is converting your RGB color code to HEXA. The usage is simple, just write the RGB code, and the HEXA code will be generated automatically. Also, if you want to test how the chosen color looks in HTML, you can take a look around to see variations of the color in different situations.
Text with RGB color:
This text has a font color of #333333
<div style="color:#333333;">Text here</span>
Background color:
This paragraph has a background color of #333333
<div style="background-color:#333333;">Content here</p>
Border color:
This element has a border color of #333333.
<div style="border:1px solid #333333;">Content here</div>
CSS codes
.text {color:#333333;}
.background {background-color:#333333;}
.border {border:1px solid #333333;}